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Broke and doesnt matter what i do/ food money
Greetings, my name is Octavio and im a 24 y/o Venezuelan.
As many of you may know, this country is passing trough a political, social, and mostly, economical crisis. The minimun wage is around 5$ a month, and the average payment of some jobs is between 15 and 20$ to "motivate" people to work. I wouldnt mind earning that amount of money if it were enough to even cover the most basic need of the human body: to eat.
2000 calories is the average amount of energy that a body consumes in a day. 1KG of sugar costs around 1$ and it contains 4000 calories, so, only eating sugar will cost you 15$ a month, and sadly im having problems with insuline so i cant feed from that...
A normal diet could go up to 60$ or more to maintain the health, and it has been impossible to me to archieve a salary like that. I believe that i could have a better chance of getting closer to those amounts by selling homemade banana, cinnamon and oreo pancakes that i make, along with coffe and cookies to increase the sales; but sadly, my kitchen and oven are damaged and i couldnt have get them repaired for over a year.
Nerver thought that id be asking in the internet for help but desperation has taken my mind too many times and havent found any other way out of this.  So, if anyone wants and can spare me something ¡i will be more than thankful!.
Haven't been able to recover my paypal account so im using one i borrowed from a friend:
and my uphold account is

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