Jared's singing career began in earnest around 12 years ago when his father obtained a music system and the family used to have music evenings where all would sing. Recognizing that he had singing potential he entered and won a local talent event. This was the beginning of a successful career as a local Singer.
At the above mentioned event he met a young singer, Jade, who took second place in the competition, and began dating her. Together they formed an entertainment duo under the name of “Prior Engagement” As a couple they performed in many local venues, weddings, corporate functions, to the delight of audiences from a wide range of backgrounds, age etc.,
Sadly, Jade passed away after a long illness very young leaving Jared to continue his singing on his own. He took up the challenge and has built up a strong following in the Western Cape area.
It was a struggle for a long time, until he met Monique who managed to bring him back to reality and helped him find himself. They have recently Through this the music has progressed and is now stronger in him than ever. Everything in his music career is geared around his family.
The Problem & Solution
What is needed: Two problems are setting Jared back. 1: He was left without a Vehicle when his was stolen shortly after his singing career started taking off and that left him in a financial loop, always trying to keep ahead but never able to quite make it. He is not able to go the normal route acquiring finance, because of the strict rules and regulations if one is a artist/musician.
2: Progress and grow as a branded business a number of things are needed. The patrons at are requesting a CD which he needs to get into a studio and record. It is a very pricey thing to do but the return on sales of the CD's will outweigh the cost of the recording, printing and branding.
Due to having 3 kids to take care of it is just impossible to actually get ahead and be able to keep money aside for the recording. The vehicle issue has increased the weight of the problem tenfold.
The funds required would be to cover a reliable vehicle for the family as well as business. As well as cover the cost of studio time, printing and branding.
At the above mentioned event he met a young singer, Jade, who took second place in the competition, and began dating her. Together they formed an entertainment duo under the name of “Prior Engagement” As a couple they performed in many local venues, weddings, corporate functions, to the delight of audiences from a wide range of backgrounds, age etc.,
Sadly, Jade passed away after a long illness very young leaving Jared to continue his singing on his own. He took up the challenge and has built up a strong following in the Western Cape area.
It was a struggle for a long time, until he met Monique who managed to bring him back to reality and helped him find himself. They have recently Through this the music has progressed and is now stronger in him than ever. Everything in his music career is geared around his family.
The Problem & Solution
What is needed: Two problems are setting Jared back. 1: He was left without a Vehicle when his was stolen shortly after his singing career started taking off and that left him in a financial loop, always trying to keep ahead but never able to quite make it. He is not able to go the normal route acquiring finance, because of the strict rules and regulations if one is a artist/musician.
2: Progress and grow as a branded business a number of things are needed. The patrons at are requesting a CD which he needs to get into a studio and record. It is a very pricey thing to do but the return on sales of the CD's will outweigh the cost of the recording, printing and branding.
Due to having 3 kids to take care of it is just impossible to actually get ahead and be able to keep money aside for the recording. The vehicle issue has increased the weight of the problem tenfold.
The funds required would be to cover a reliable vehicle for the family as well as business. As well as cover the cost of studio time, printing and branding.